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A couple of days ago the kids and I were over at my parents' house. I was struck by the fact my mother had the house decked out in Valentine decorations. There were Valentine candles, little statues, candy hearts in cute containers, a table centerpiece and red quilted table cover, the Valentine wreath on the front door, and more. Inevitably, my kids commented on this, "Mommy, did you see all that Valentine stuff?" "Mommy! Grandma has candy hearts!"
Is it just me, or do you ever have a holiday sneak up on you?
Is it Valentine's Day already? Well, close! Consequently, my mother's decorations threw me into a short panic because at the time we had absolutely nothing put up for Valentine's Day. Luckily, we put together a super-easy, super-quick kids' Valentine craft, fun for adults too! I tend to like simple red, but feel free to let the kids add lace, doilies, hearts, and sparkles to their hearts' content.
Quick and Easy Kids' Valentine Craft
First, assemble your supplies:
Start with super basic items you most likely already have around the house.
Fold two pieces of your chosen color of paper in half and cut out a heart shape. Unfold the two pieces of paper, and you should end up with two identical hearts.
Using the fold down the center as a guide, cut slightly more than halfway down one heart so you've divided the upper portion of the heart in two. Then make the same cut on the other heart but from the bottom center to the middle.
Slide the two hearts together using the cut portion so that you have a 3D heart.
Staple the gap between the two wings of the heart you cut from the top.
Cut a length of twine as desired (depending on how far down you want it to hang), and thread it through under the staple. Next, tie that end securely around the staple, and then make a slip knot on the other end of the twine.
Fluff out your heart and hang where you wish. They make a great centerpiece hanging over a table from a light fixture (just make sure not to have it near any light bulbs!), on curtain rods, from a door frame, or wherever else you feel moved to decorate with 3D hearts.
Hang these fun and easy kids' Valentine crafts about and voila! No one can say you haven't gotten into the Valentine spirit!
AND as a BONUS have some fun with some French Valentine cards!
Fun, Fabulous, and Free - French Valentine Card Printables (with translation page)
After you've finished with your kids' Valentine heart project, download these great French Valentine card printables. Then for fun and a conversation starter, print them out on card stock (or regular paper) and hand them out to friends and family. Mon petit chou, je t'aime ... My little cabbage (term of endearment), I love you. Have fun and Happy Valentine's Day!
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