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Did you know according to the Guinness Book of World Records, "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby is the all-time best-selling Christmas/holiday single in the United States? Not only that, but they report, it's also the best-selling single of all time. Moreover, it has estimated sales in excess of 50 million copies worldwide. Why am I telling you this? Well, it snowed here a couple of days ago so I succumbed to the pleas of my daughter to play some Christmas music. There's just something about the tones of Bing and "White Christmas" to put me in that joyful Christmas mood.
Before you know it we'll all dive into Christmas baking, crafting, decorating, and spreading of holiday cheer. I can't wait!
Christmas Craft Time
Okay, I admit, my kids and I started out a little early this year making some Christmas tree ornaments. I wanted a project using only items I already had around the house so I didn't have to make a special trip to Michael's or Hobby Lobby or somewhere (I tend to spend lots of money at such places). Therefore, somewhere in my brain came up with a memory of a craft I did long ago in Girl Scouts. A craft made with simple, everyday items, which come together to make a nice ornament for the Christmas tree.
Can I tell you a little secret? What else do I like this project? Well, it occupies the children for quite awhile as they choose their Christmas card picture, glue on their toothpicks, and add decorations and the finishing touches. A kids' DIY Christmas tree ornament.
Yes, I'll say it. Even with the help they'll need, you'll have at least 15 minutes of free time. Fifteen minutes can be a lot to get your own tasks done. Namely, you can wrap three presents, prep dinner, or sit and have a mug of tea. Think about those long 2 weeks (or more!) off of school and all the things you'll need to occupy the kids. To be sure, this is a fun, easy to set up craft the kids will be proud to put on the tree. Doesn't that sound fabulous?
So give it a go. It can't hurt can it? Do you use those toothpicks up in the cabinet for anything but testing the doneness of cakes? Therefore, make an awesome kids' DIY Christmas tree ornament today!
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Kids' DIY Christmas Tree Ornament
First, gather your supplies. You'll need:
- glue
- old Christmas cards
- scissors
- a pencil
- toothpicks (flat is easier to work with than round)
- yarn or ribbon
- plastic plate
- other decorations - puff balls, glitter, bells, ribbons, whatever you want!
Second, select the Christmas card and portion of it you would like to frame with toothpicks for the ornament. I suggest using a plastic plate to keep all the supplies from rolling away or hit by little elbows onto the floor. Then place one layer of toothpicks crossing each other around the portion of the card you wish to frame. You can use the little house shape I use on the cardinal ornament, a simple square, a star, or whatever your creative minds think up. Just be sure the toothpicks cross so you can glue them together.
Third, trace and cut out the shape from the Christmas card. I usually test the toothpicks at this point to make sure they fit where they're supposed to. Trim the cutout as needed.
Toothpick Christmas craft time!
Fourth, start gluing your toothpicks. For the first, layer I glue the entire toothpick to anchor the toothpicks to the card piece. One at a time glue them all the way around your shape. This takes some patience, but if they're interested, kids get the hang of it pretty quickly.
For the last toothpick in the first layer, put a dot of glue on each toothpick it crosses and place the toothpick. As much as I'd like to use a glue stick for this project, we tried, but they just wouldn't hold together. Regular or school glue is better for the craft, and be assured, it will drip. If you have a perfectionist like my daughter reassure them it's fine. It happens. It will dry clear.
Next, go around the shape adding a second layer of toothpicks. These next steps can take some patience and time, but kids get incredibly excited when it's finished and set to dry. Again, it may not be perfect or get knocked over. Don't be discouraged! You can always piece it back together again!
Slow and steady
Continue to add rows of toothpicks to your desired height for the frame. Personally, I like to do five layers of toothpicks, but it's up to you and your creative kids. When the frame is built up, leave it to dry overnight or for several hours.
Then, cut a piece of yarn or ribbon about 8-10 inches long to make the tree hanger.
Thread it through the toothpick layers near the base (card).
After that's complete you can tie the hanger and decorate! We used what we had in the house so there's quite a mix of things. Together with glitter and bells, we used small colored puffballs, greenery from the tree outside, and more. Be creative! Use whatever you have or make that trip to the store and get some fun sparkly decorations. There you have it! An awesome kids' DIY Christmas tree ornament.
A challenge for you
As a kid, I remember simple projects like this and just loving them. It was part of the holiday season to make and bake and give things away. Every year a group a group from our church would go sing Christmas carols for local nursing and retirement homes. We always brought gifts to share with the residents, and handmade ornaments like this were always well-received.
I challenge you. Try out this kids' DIY Christmas tree ornament and make a few extras to give away. Furthermore, take them to a neighbor, a retirement home, or a friend and let the kids experience the joy of giving their time and a hand-made gift to someone who truly appreciates it. And listen to some Bing Crosby while you're at it.
Happy Christmas crafting!
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